Leo Monthly Horoscope - October
- Leo Monthly Horoscopes 2024
This month, your financial health is likely to be better than the previous month but your expenditures will exceed your expectations. A Solar Eclipse on October 2nd can cause stress to finances and family, so it is advised to be aware of your words during this time.
Jupiter is retrograde starting on 9th, and will give you a brand new image within the social system. Beware of sharing any of your activities with anybody during this time.
You’ll have the opportunity to interact with well-known people, which will allow you to advance in your job and inspire you to be more active to live your life.
It is possible to travel abroad after the 20th, but it is recommended to be extremely cautious.
The month that begins on October 10th to the end of the month, is very favorable for those planning to grow their business or begin a new job.
On the 20th, the odds may not be in your favor, but if you work hard, you’ll be able to finish your work. Now is a great time for people who work in jewelry, media clothes, fashion, decorating, art, or jewelry. Now is also the time to see your business grow thanks to your new orders.
For those who are employed it is not an ideal time to be working as you could be in conflict with colleagues due to misunderstandings. You will have to travel continuously to work during this month.
Lucky Dates: 3, 12, 15, 20 30
Love & Marriage
In this month, things are good for lovers until 9th, and you could enjoy an evening out with your loved one. If you’ve declared your love to somebody this month, you might have to wait a while before finding out what they think of you.
Retrograde Saturn will be through the house of marriage because of which there could be problem in your married life. If you’re committed and planning to wed to your spouse there could be some delays.
Lucky Dates: 3, 6, 15, 24, 30
Money & Finance
In this month’s scenario of the solar eclipse is getting developed inside your home of wealth as a result of which you may face financial pressure.
Beware of buying on without thinking about the result this month. You could spend your money to do charity work with an institution of government. You can get benefit from investment or land-related work through the 20th day of the month. Also, you will see an increase in your productivity with financial aid from foreign firms.
Lucky Dates: 2, 10, 23, 27
Students & Children
This month demands a lot of effort from students to achieve success. Concentrating and avoiding mental capacity will be the main factor in your success. It’s important to control your time with your friends well to avoid spending money that isn’t needed.
Don’t be too confident if you have plans to gain admission to the college you want. Even though you may feel exhausted due to your studies, a determined attitude will help you reach your goal. You can win prizes by taking part in games, which can boost your confidence.
Family & Health
Keep your thoughts clear and know your obligations to your family. Make time to travel to your relatives and create memorable memories.
Avoid arguing with your father but instead, support your father in every way. It is recommended to be cautious when driving and to avoid stressing your mind at this moment.