Health Profile Report

Your Health Profile with medical astrology We all want good health, and planets can affect it. Medical astrology helps decode your health status by looking at your horoscope.

How your horoscope relates to your health:

  • Your rising sign, ascendant, and ascendant lord show your natural health and how you maintain it.
  • The dasa pattern reveals when you might face health issues and how you’ll handle them.

Your horoscope also shows points for disease and recovery. Planetary transits play a role too. A harmful planet passing over your ascendant or a weak area in your chart signals a time of distress. Meanwhile, transiting Saturn near your Moon and Sun can hint at mental health struggles. Knowing this info can help you stay healthy and prepared.

Your Health Reading includes:

  • Your general health and basic constitution
  • Combinations that lead to health issues and prevent good health
  • Ways to prevent or manage ailments
  • Detailed health reading for the next year
  • Health outlook for the next 10 years

By understanding these aspects, you can take better care of your health and be prepared for any challenges that may arise.

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