
Yearly Horoscope 2024


Effect And Remedies

Mercury which is also known as Buddha in Jyotish that means ‘wisdom’ is the smallest and the quickest in the Solar System. In Vedic astrology, Mercury is considered to be an intellectual planet as it relates to the mind, communication and reasoning. 

  • Then it influences your mental powers, ability to study, ability to speak and write too.

 As per the ancient Indian texts, Buddha is believed to be the son of Chandra (moon) and Tara (wife of Brhaspati) Naturally enough, in Roman mythology Mercury is the messenger of gods, and he symbolises curiosity, the adaptation and the humour. It is an ambivalent planet and it changes its qualities depending on the home in which it is situated in a person’s ashtakavarga.


Mahadasha is a Sanskrit word which means period major and it is a time interval of high energy which can be a period of change in the fate of the person. This Awadhi extension of 17 years of Buddha is a period where Buddha is the key player in the activities of an individual including the fate of the person concerned. It is noted that you may be orator due to a well-placed and dignified Mercury in a person’s natal horoscope. Bad Mercury can bring a lot of psychosomatic and physical disorders.

1.Mercury is known for his quick wits and communication skills. But on the other side of the coin, it can also result in dullness and anxiety.

2.Immediateness can make it difficult to relax people. 

3.While Mercury promotes intelligence and knowledge, there is a risk of developing a sense of power and logical pride. 

4.People can find it challenging to make and stick to decisions.It can cause financial problems.

5.The development of conflicts, problems, and disagreements in a partnership can happen.


  • 1.Chanting and reciting the mantra – By chanting a mantra dedicated to the Buddha, one can please the Buddha and receive his blessings for wisdom, intelligence and better communication skills. 
  • The mantra is – the mantra – ‘Om Brim Brim Braun Sah Buddhaaya Namah’ or ‘Om Buddhaaya Namah’ 108 times every day in the morning or evening.
  • 2.Wear green clothes – Green is associated with Mercury. To calm Mercury, especially on Thursday, try to wear green or light green clothes, as it helps to enhance the good qualities of Mercury in you
  • 3.Fasting Thursday – Since this day is associated with the planet Mercury, astrology suggests fasting on Thursdays to detach and get in touch with the positive vibration of the planet in your body.
  • 4.Vishnu Puja – Vishnu, the supreme deity of Mercury, can be pleased by offering red flowers, sandalwood, incense and wood, which in turn pleases Mercury.
  • 5.Donate to the needy – It is considered beneficial to donate green coral, green cloth or green vegetables to the needy birds and especially the geese.

During the course of the life of a person, the Mahadasha periods are considered to begin at the time of planetary configuration at the time of birth. Here is a brief description of what each planetary Mahadasha is likely to turn out into:

  • Sun (Surya Mahadasha): Lasts upto 6 years M. Surya Mahadasha is illuminating and serves authoritative functions, in this phase a person goes into self-exploration, assumes powers and energy. There are times when individuals feel as though they are filled with self confidence, ambition and glee, this is that time.
  • Moon (Chandra Mahadasha): Lame upto 10 years. Emotional tides ebb and flow under the wraps of Chandra Mahadasha. During this time, such traits as tenderness, caring and intuition are markedly pronounced. Family relationships, peace at home, caring for children are in focus.
  • Mars (Mangal Mahadasha): Lame upto 7 years. Sweeping and passionate – it is what Mangal Mahadasha makes within oneself – the dynamism, the zealousness, the activeness and aggression. However, it may also invite strategy, wars, stress which require careful planning and execution.
  • Mercury (Budh Mahadasha): Lasts Lame maximum 17 years. Budh Mahadasha starts and ends fat intellect. People become better communicators and engage in more pursuits involving the brain. This period lays the ground for being adaptable, inquisitive and for learning new things.
  • Jupiter (Guru Mahadasha): Lasts upto 16 years M. Guru Mahadasha is filled with material comforts, knowledge and growth of spirituality. There are chances for growth, resources, virtue and moral support.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Mahadasha?

Mahadasha is the length of time that indicates how the planets affect one’s life. It lasts for 120 years and is divided into nine sections, each relating to a different planet.

What is the Difference between Dasha and Mahadasha?

Dasha means how long a planet will stays in a person’s horoscope. This can be short or long. Mahadasha is a big time period when the planets influence a person’s life, divided into nine parts over 120 years.

How do you identify Mahadasha?

You can find online calculators to see your current Mahadasha. It starts from the time you are born and depends on the planets linked to your birth star.

Is Mahadasha same for everyone?

The duration for each planet in Mahadasha is the same. However, the good or bad effects of each planet can vary depending on where the planet is and a person’s actions. The effects are different for each person.

How do I get rid of Mahadasha?

If any of the Mahadas are affecting your horoscope, you should perform pooja and offer it to Lord Rudra, the incarnation of Lord Shiva. It is believed that the evil effects of the Mahadasa have been removed by the anointing. Also, recitation of Hanuman Chalisa and worship of the planet ruled by Mahadasha is beneficial.

What is the importance of Mahadasha Lord?

Mahadasha Svara is the deity of the constellation in which your current Mahadasha ruling planet resides. For example, when you were born, your birth constellation was the constellation of the moon. Therefore, at the time of your birth, the god of your zodiac should be worshipped as Lord Mahadasha.

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