Pisces Monthly Horoscope -October

Pisces Monthly Horoscope 2024

The month of October 2024 is set to begin with Solar Eclipse on 2nd October and its effects on the 7th House, as a result of which some anxiety may develop which is why you’re advised to remain calm and keep a calm mind. 

Rahu will move through your zodiac sign, and the Zodiac’s lord, Jupiter, will remain retrograde through the 9th and you should make major decisions in your own life by seeking the assistance of a guide. Being calm can be beneficial this month. If you plan to travel internationally, there may be delays due to a reason.

This month, you’ll be focusing on having fun and will likely purchase expensive items and leisure travel. This month could bring opportunities starting on the 13th.

You’ll have plenty of energy, which allows you to concentrate on your job. Because of the Sun being in a weak state starting on the 17th in this month you’ll become more interested in doing research and think of doing something different within your area of expertise.

Also, you will be attracted to religious activities and could be planning to take pilgrimage trips to religious sites. If you’re doing any kind of work, it could be delayed but it will take place.


This month is a good time to start a new job from the 9th. It is possible that you will get a lucrative deal or even be given a better position at work. Make sure you finish international projects in time in order to earn financial benefits. Beginning on the 20th, you could have issues at work. A friend may offer collaboration, but stay clear of his offer for this moment.

 People who are employed may be expected by a job loss so it is essential to ensure you are in good contact with your boss in order to earn the salary you want. Be aware of your position after 17th, as unneeded issues might occur.

Lucky Dates: 5, 9, 12, 15, 21, 28

Love & Marriage

You might have disagreements with your partner, so make sure you strengthen your bond and your relationship with them. If you want to show your love to someone else, then do it for an amount of time.

Conflict among you and your partner might be a problem during the middle or end of the month. concentrate on giving your spouse some time to breathe. Couples who have just been married might feel some tension in their relationship due to the fact that they’re not capable of spending quality time together with each other, so, you need to make time for dinners or coffee dates. Your spouse will require your assistance in their job so you need to be attentive to their needs. You’ll receive full support from your parents.

Lucky Dates: 6, 9, 12, 15, 24

Money & Finance

This month, you could be incurred unneeded expenses because of which you could feel a bit stressed. The cost of living will be higher this month, so make sure you limit these.

 If you’re considering buying a house, then you should put off your plans. Do not invest on the market for a short period. You might have to pay your money on government-related work. This is a good month for borrowing. It is advised not to aid any female friends financially in this month.

Lucky Dates; 9, 12, 18, 21, 27

Students & Children

If you’ve decided to study an area of study now, you’ll be able comprehend it right now and also be relieved. You may also be admitted to the college you want. 

Your efforts and luck will be rewarded this month. If you were involved in a dispute with a friend from the past It could affect your academic performance. You’ll have to be more prepared for the test or interview to be able to achieve the desired results. You could be awarded through the federal government in this particular month.

Maintain a friendly and a loving relationship to your kids. When there is a complaint about the school your children attend You should deal with the situation with calmness and with patience.

Family & Health

Family disputes can occur and can cause stress for you. The family members will collaborate to reduce unnecessary costs. A trip to church to your grandparents is in the near future and it’s ideal to stay clear of arguments between them during this time.

Be aware of the possibility of heart or head related issues. Don’t be show little or no concern about seeking treatment. Be cautious when driving this month.

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